学术前沿讲座:Big Data,Human Dynamics and Space-Time GIS
- 发布日期:2016-03-07 10:12:45
- 阅读次数:[17061]次
- 作者:
报告人简介:萧世伦教授,现任美国田纳西大学教授、田纳西大学孔子学院院长,历任美国地理学者学会交通地理组主席、美国田纳西大学地理系主任等职。萧世伦教授在国际交通地理领域享有相当的声誉和影响力, 于2008年被提名并顺利当选American Association for Advancement of Science Fellow; 2008年度美国地理学会交通地理专业组杰出贡献奖Edward L. Ullman Award,2010年开始任台北中央研究院人文社会科学研究中心学术委员会委员等职务,任美国科学基金评审专家和责任专家、20多个国际高水平学术期刊的审稿专家。
摘要:Due to the development of location-aware technology, information and communication technology (ICT), and mobile technology in recent decades, we have seen significant changes in human activity and interaction behaviors that are closely related to changing processes in today’s urban, economic and social systems. In the meantime, detailed data of individual activities and interactions are being collected at an unprecedented spatial and temporal granularity level by communication service providers , government agencies and so on. Now more human activities and interactions are conducted in virtual space . Various types of big data contain useful information for us to better understand different aspects of human dynamics in physical and virtual spaces. However, there exist some research challenges of representing, analyzing and visualizing human dynamics GIS to gain insights on spatiotemporal activities and interactions in both physical and virtual spaces. This presentation will discuss some of these challenges and use examples to illustrate potential approaches of addressing these challenges.
时间:2016-03-14 15:00-17:00
报告人:萧世伦 教授